No matter who I ask or where they live, recently they've been telling me life is strange. All around the world, people are contracting the new coronavirus, COVID-19, at an alarming rate. Death rates are high, borders are virtually closed, families are quarantined at home, businesses are failing, and even getting groceries is frightening. It is an anxious time for the world.
In Toronto, Ontario, Canada, where I live, we are getting used to the "new normal." Schools have been closed since March 13, and this week teachers began delivering lessons online. Parents are staying at home to care for children, and often because their non-essential workplaces are closed. The lucky ones have adapted to working online and telecommuting; the unlucky ones have lost their jobs. The government is scrambling to put extraordinary social safety nets in place, but there are large holes between the filaments and lots of people are falling through the cracks. Whether for your health, job, family, or world, people have a lot of worries.
There are also unexpected blessings, the silver linings. The air is clean in Wuhan. Dolphins are swimming in Venice's cannals. Wildlife are returning to newly deserted urban spaces. Families are spending more time together. Scientists are collaborating at an unprecedented rate to find vaccines and treatments for the global pandemic. Many politicians are cooperating and forging friendships across party lines; many countries are shipping much-needed personal protective equipment where it is needed most. We're quickly learning how to become one global family at a faster rate, and too a deeper extent, than I could have imagined in January. These are significant victories, and won at great cost. My biggest prayer at this time is that we will continue this collaborative momentum long after the crisis abates, especially devoting it to fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as global health and peace, at such a concerted pace.
But individually, the crisis is taking a great toll on people's peace. Anxiety is a natural response to so much change (and real danger), and our usual social networks are not there to help us relax. We need new strategies to keep our peace, and one of them is staying socially connected, even if we are physically apart. That's why CryPeace is collecting your challenges, strategies for peace, and unexpected blessings during the coronavirus crisis. Let's even dream a little! How do you hope the world will change after this crisis?
Stay connected and inspired
We'll be posting your stories and ours on our website and social media channels. Please follow @crypeace2 on your favourite social media to be inspired with messages for peace in these challenging times (our social links are at the top of this page for your convenience).
Yes, my friends, these are strange times. We can only get through them together.
Your sister,