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Generation for Peace

If we want peace on earth, we have to empower youth as peacebuilders. CryPeace's "Are We Together?"  peacebuilding course does just that. This free, proven peace education program teaches universal values and conflict resolution skills in a fun an engaging way. Co-developed by international peacebuilders, it has transformed the lives of over 7,500 youth in 18 schools so far. Let’s build on their success.


The real heroes are the peacebuilders. 


The program was created by the late Canadian peace educator, Marg Huber. Marg collaborated on the curriculum with war orphans from Uganda, incorporating Ugandan folk stories, the African concept of Ubuntu, and universal values, communication and conflict resolution skills. Marg trained the senior members of the African Children's Choir, who trained secondary students peace and conflict resolution. As schools became havens of peace and youth adopted the motto, "the real heroes are the peacebuilders," more and more schools requested the program. In just seven years, the team trained over 7,500 students in 18 schools in the two-year curriculum. The impact was transformative.


Let's raise a generation for peace.


Marg shared her knowledge and curriculum with CryPeace to teach even more children the skills of peacebuilding. We are developing partnerships to relaunch the curriculum in Uganda. Our first first peace class started in Buliisa in March 2024. Our second class started at an orphanage in Kampala in May 2024. We are training our third partner how to lead the course at a school in Paidha in June 2024. We are growing!

The peace course is suitable for schools, churches, mosques, and youth organizations. It has been certified by Uganda's National Curriculum Development Centre as a much-needed and recommended resourceAfter documenting the impact that the pilot programs achieve, our dream is that the Ministry of Education will adopt it into the national curriculum. 

It will take the one global family to accomplish this dream, but as the children at the orphanage say, "Together we are better!" Together, let's raise a generation for peace! 


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