Do you share CryPeace's vision? Here are some ways you can get involved.
Share Your Story
Everyone has a story to tell. What's yours? Usually we ask people to answer the questions, "What does peace mean to you?" and "Are you living it?" You can also share your own peace story, in text, video, or audio format. Please have a photo ready for the wall. All set?
Write on the wall.
Donate Time and Talent
CryPeace is a labour of love. If you share our passion, we could use your help, especially:
- Editing video and audio stories
- Tweeting, posting, or collating monthly newsletters
- Building our audience
- Promoting #oneglobalfamily, a campaign we envision to promote conversations between strangers in public, e.g., on subways, at airports, in schools, in malls. Taking it deeper, it could be dinner conversations between diverse groups, e.g., interfaith or interracial. Partners in the Democratic Republic plan to hold a sports day between tribes. You could also write or record your own example of being part of the #oneglobalfamily.
- Become a CryPeace reporter and collect stories from your country
- Share a guest post on how to build peace within one's self, family, community, country or the world
Please contact us to volunteer.
Donate Treasure
CryPeace has a big vision, but limited resources. Can you help us raise a louder voice in the cry for peace, either with a personal donation or your fundraising expertise?
Immediate financial goals:
- Support the #oneglobalfamily campaign with budget to print signs, question lists, equip volunteers, and produce buttons to help people identify participating members of the #oneglobalfamily
- Support an art exhibit to help CryPeace reach new audiences
- Contribute to the ongoing operational costs (communications, marketing, travel)
- Research and apply for grants