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Scarlett Lewis, who’s son Jesse was killed in the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting in Connecticut in 2012, has chosen forgiveness over hatred. In her powerful testimony she says forgiving his killer cut the invisible cord of anger that linked her to him after her son’s death. Freedom from anger gave her the strength to found the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement, based on an unusual message... (more)

Gill Hicks, who survived a suicide bombing in London, used a tragedy that was meant to kill her to change her life. Gill says, “Throughout all the chaos my hand was held tightly. My face was stroked gently. What did I feel? I felt loved. What’s shaded me from hatred and wanting retribution, what’s given me the courage to say, ‘This ends with me,’ is love. I was loved. I believe the potential for... (more)

Three years ago, my heart pulled me to Israel and Palestine to experience the reality of this iconic conflict for myself, talk to Israelis and Palestinians, and search for ways to support peace. It is one of the hardest places I've ever been, where CryPeace means crying more tears and crying louder for justice than almost anywhere else. This week, as renewed tensions escalate over Jerusalem, my... (more)

My cheeks hurt. Not because of dental surgery, but because I can't stop smiling. I just got back from the Friday the 13th motorcycle rally in Port Dover, Ontario. I can't believe I rode for years and never made it before. This time I took a day off work, grabbed my camera, and had a fabulous day! Peace overflows abundantly on days like today, when thousands of people — most of them strangers, in... (more)

It's Thanksgiving, and I'm feeling grateful. I'm grateful for the anticipated joys of the weekend - spending time with family, friends, and a wonderful meal. It seemed extra special today, as we enjoyed the unseasonably warm sunny days we're enjoying this autumn in Canada outdoors enjoying nature. (more)

I met a man who came from awayWith no friends, no money, no EnglishEverything against himBut he was proudHe had two hands, he wanted to workNot accept helpThis man went to Toronto and almost starvedBefore he found somewhere to eat and sleepThis man has two degrees, he’s a priest, he risked his life defending human rightsHe can’t go to law school because his war-torn country can’t send his... (more)

My friend Etienne recently travelled to Japan, a country which fascinates me but I haven't had the chance to visit. I asked Etienne to keep his eyes open for opportunities to ask people about peace. While visiting the Ueno Toshogu Shrine in Tokyo, he saw a man praying. After he finished his prayers, Etienne struck up a conversation. Learning that the man's name Gary Chan, he asked Gary what peace... (more)

Returning to my table after dancing on my impromptu dance floor, an older woman sitting alone asked me where I was from. “Canada,” I replied. (I take note of greetings as I travel around the world. “Como esta (how are you)?” would be the usual Mexican greeting, but here everyone’s first question to me is where I’m from. Perhaps it’s because so many tourists visit Puerto Angel, Mexico, I’m so pale... (more)

After I met Ian and José Carlos on the beach, I took the shortcut over the rocks to the neighbouring beach. Rain and waves had churned up the water on this beach, and I sought calmer waters for a swim. I love swimming in the ocean; the buoyancy, quiet, and peacefulness are calming, and when there are waves I love body surfing. I always bring a mask and snorkel so I can float in a natural "... (more)

I had the best day, and it's only 4pm! I find myself with an unexpectedly free afternoon and am wondering how to "spend" this gift of time. While I have many more Mexico stories to share, I want to share the joy of this day with you, while reminding myself that peace can be ever present. It is palpable to me today through intentional mindfulness and prayer. It's easy to be mindful and prayerful... (more)
