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While the whole world is suffering from the novel coronavirus, we are not suffering equally. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where health care is limited and the social safety net frayed or non-existent, poverty and famine are feared almost as much as COVID-19. But since the Congo is not quite clear from the world's second-largest Ebola outbreak, which has been raging, and now... (more)

Hello, dear brothers and sisters in the one global family. Today, I've prepared a #COVIDpeace prescription for you to refresh your soul. If you take this Rx weekly, it will innoculate you against the strains and stresses of the coronavirus. 1) Listen to The Blessing by Pittsburgh churches Have you heard the absolutely uplifting song, The Blessing, recorded by almost 30 Pittsburgh churches in... (more)

I met Lionel during a writing retreat in the Dominican Republic in 2018. Fighting illness and the homebound isolation of a cold Canadian winter, I decided to finally visit my friends who have been serving as missionaries in the Dominican Republic for a decade. From the home base of their apartment complex, we took a break one Saturday to see the local market, which primarily served tourists.... (more)

This story was shared with my by my friend, Dave Chapman, who has been serving as a missionary in the Dominican Republic with his wife, Sandy, for over ten years. I visited them on a writing retreat in 2018. Read more stories of their adventures on their blog. I have a little story that says more about the reliability of my own intuition and perceptions than it says about the Dominican Republic. (more)

Happy Earth Day! Earth day is an annual day of reflection that offers us the opportunity to evaluate where we can celebrate our successes, and where we can challenge ourselves to go further in reducing our impact on the environment. To celebrate Earth Day 2020, I've collected some of the tips and products I use to reduce single use plastics, carbon emissions, harmful chemicals and waste going to... (more)

Dear friends, it is Passover and Easter. For the first time in our lives, many of us are celebrating alone, behind closed doors, instead of with our faith communities and families. The reason why I am behind closed doors is common to millions right now – we are afraid of contracting or spreading the coronavirus. But to be isolated and afraid actually brings us much closer to the experience of the... (more)

Praise the Day Praise the old ipad that slowly obeys,playing diverse podcasts to inspire my ways Praise the spring tulips that boldly emerge,splashing walls and walks with their flamboyant hues Praise the fragrant leaves, a gift from a friend,warming heart and tongue with their exotic blend Praise the smartphone, the only way to see and hearloved ones these days until the COVID all-clear Praise... (more)

It was the most fun and fulfilling thing I accomplished in the Congo – producing my first song for peace. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, a French-speaking country where I worked for six months, the most common phrase was "nous sommes ensemble" – "we are together." And we are. We share this world, and will enjoy peace and prosperity together or suffer together – the choice is ours. Although... (more)

Last comment by Yeremia VINDU on Thursday, December 26, 2019 - 08:20.

I am excited to be celebrating the International Day of Peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It was a very special day and week - I produced my first song, Nous Sommes Ensemble, I acted in my first play with the spectacular Lumiere Du Monde drama troupe from Rwanda, and I enjoyed the poems, acting, and passion for peace shared by the youth at CBCA Virunga's peace day celebration. The... (more)

A hero of peace flew away – one who saw treasure beneath imperfection to reveal God’s reincarnation in each conception.   A hero of peace flew away, but not quickly. Not before planting two blossoms on The Farm, which multiplied into a bouquet of thousands. They’ve perfumed France, indeed the world, for over fifty years. Their scent intensifies still.   A hero of peace flew away. This is nothing... (more)
