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My God, let me eat you Let me drink you in You’re in the air You’re in the wind You’re in the sun You’re in the trees Holy communion is all around me   Praying in the beauty of Prince Edward County, Ontario. (more)

Today I am gifted with deep peace. It’s centered deep, low in my body, in my womb. It’s birthing strength to face new challenges and forget past fears. It stills my mind; my body is tranquil. May I carry this peace all day and into tomorrow. (more)

“You know that woman who came by herself?” said the vinegar craftsman to the server. “You mean me?” I asked, revealing my presence, losing the chance to hear the next sentence. Would it be that I was still there, hours later, sated with vinegar, recipes and stories? Was it the story I told the young woman who made my pizza, of my travels seeking stories that bring peace? Her great aunt couldn’t... (more)

I wish I didn't have to write this. I wish I was writing an Easter message about lent leading to resurrection, or videos and stories about meeting Martin Luther King, Jr.'s family in Atlanta this month, or news from the peace and justice conference I attended there. But a tragedy has struck my city, Toronto, and I am compelled to walk the long path back to peace with my fellow Torontonians, and... (more)

Our peace series in Liguorian magazine, which began with Lighting the Way to Interfaith Peace in January, continues by examining one of the most darkest valleys humans encounter — acts of terrorism. How do we counteract hate in order to prevent as much violence as possible? And when acts of terrorism do occur, how to do we respond, forgive and heal its onslaught so it doesn't lead us into a cycle... (more)

Divine providence brought me to Atlanta, Georgia today, April 4, 2018, exactly 50 years after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. King was born, raised and buried in Atlanta, although he became a civil rights activist in Montgomery, Alabama. I read his book, Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story, in preparation for this trip. It describes the... (more)

I love my prayer corner. Bring me here Meet me here Teach me here Change me here I love my prayer corner. (more)

I just received wonderful news — CryPeace won a Wilbur Award for best faith-based blog for the story, Motorcycle Diaries: Friday the 13th! Although I've traveled the world capturing peace stories, this day in rural Ontario was one of the highlights of them all. I am personally encouraged by this recognition, but more importantly, it will help share the stories people entrust to me more widely.... (more)

January 1 is designated World Peace Day by the Catholic church - a fitting day to reflect on the state of world peace, and ways that faith can guide us towards more a peaceful coexistence. It is also timely to reflect on how we can integrate peace more deeply into our souls and lives on New Year’s Day, a day traditionally devoted to personal reflection, renewal and resolutions. But peace in the... (more)

Sue Klebold is the mother of Dylan Klebold, one of the youth who committed murder/suicide in Cobumbine on April 20, 1999. In this transparent reflection, Sue shares, "It was appallingly easy for a 17-year-old boy to buy guns both legally and illegally without my permission or knowledge and somehow, 17 years and many school shootings later, it is still appallingly easy.” Sue says upon reflection,... (more)
