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Today, at 10 AM in Israel, the country stood still for two minutes to pay their respects to the six million Jews who were murdered by Nazis during World War II. Around the world, others stood in solidarity with them. And in Poland, thousands of people marched silently from Auschwitz to Birkenau to remember the victims of the Holocaust who died there, by participating in the annual March of the...
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My sister told me to look up a remarkable woman, Jane Marczewski, yesterday. I listened to her songs and wisdom all night. Her joyful vulnerability, as much as her beautiful ballad, "It's OK," won the hearts of the judges and audience of America's Got Talent in the summer of 2021.
If you, like me, weren’t following her story, it is well worth hearing. Jane’s stage name, Nightbirde, came to her...
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Friends, as I write this, I am dismayed at the outbreak of war between Russia and the Ukraine. It is shocking to see the extent and impact of the conflict in just one week. In the Ukraine, bombs are falling, people are dying, refugees are fleeing. In Russia, protests are being suppressed as the ruble turns to rubble. No one can fly out of either country, even as hundreds of thousands queue to...
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If the Apostle Paul was alive today, I imagine he might phrase 1 Corinthians 13 a bit like this.
If I get more retweets and likes than anyone, but my words lack love, it would be better if I never posted.
If I can predict the pandemic curve, sell millions of masks, and even create the best vaccine, but profit from others’ pain instead of prevent it, my net worth is the inverse of my human worth....
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It’s a sobering day. Twenty years ago, on September 11, 2001, 19 hijackers took control of four planes and crashed them into a field in Pennsylvania, the Pentagon in Virginia, and the World Trade Center in New York. The Twin Towers were completely destroyed, and with them, thousands of lives, and life as we knew it. The effects are still being felt today.
I remember where I was that day, as you...
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If you happen to be feeling discombobulated in these times, you are not alone! A sense of disorganization or mini-trauma creeps in when we cannot do what we always do. One of the leading trauma experts, Bessel vanderKolk, defines trauma as being in a situation that we are helpless to change, and which seems endless (hmmm, that sounds familiar!). I have learned much from Bessel in terms of how to...
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Sometimes you need peace; sometimes you are in the position to give it. GivePeace is CryPeace's new initiative to help you do just that.
In my travels over the years, I have been amazed at the resilience, and oftentimes inner peace, of people living in very precarious situations. That peace is not constant, nor naive of the practical impediments to peace that people face. Rather, it's a testament...
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I don’t know if there has ever been a year that more people have wished was over than 2020. If you are like me, you spent most of it under the shadow of the coronavirus pandemic. Whether or not the disease affected you or your loved ones personally, most surely the “dis-ease” it unleashed touched your life significantly, either through social isolation, job changes or losses, health or...
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This is a sermon I delivered on the Sunday in Advent devoted to peace. It is best experienced aurally, and I invite you to listen to it instead of read it, below.
Good morning. Today I want to share a message on something that is very close to my heart – peace. Over many years I’ve travelled to over 20 countries seeking stories which nurture the empathy which builds peace. This month, we are...
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